Patch notes

Winter update (7) 50% Sale and new content!

Our bundles are on sale until the 25th! You can get a 50% discount on the bundles and upgrade your Twitch alerts. To celebrate, we also added new content.

New features and content

  • - The Lunar fireworks animations and visuals can now be mixed!
  • Twitch Firework stream alerts explosion
  • - Don’t be afraid to try out this Halloween jump scare!
  • Twitch Jump Scare stream alerts animation
  • - We added a jump animation. Look at the sporty frog go!
  • Twitch jumping stream alerts animation
  • - To celebrate, we needed a free confetti explosion!
  • Twitch confetti stream alerts explosion
  • - Bats! Where did they come from? Check out the new Halloween trail VFX.
  • Twitch bats following your cursor trail
  • - More UI improvements with various new icons.

Twitch Hackathon - Most Activations Reward (Ends February 25)

We can win the Twitch Hackathon. There are only a few days to go! You can help us by sharing StreamAlertsTV. Ask anyone you know to try it out! Share the Steam page, share the patch notes on your socials, and share your exciting clips. Help our team win!

Clips while streaming with StreamAlertsTV can be posted in our Discord! We want to share them and inspire other creators on Twitch!

Steam logoNow available on Steam