Patch notes

Winter update (5) More games and chaos!

This update has a bit of everything, including new chaotic games!

New features and content

  • - We polished the Lights Out! Game. We illuminated the switch and show VFX when the lights turned on, which made it easier for viewers to understand the objective.
  • Stream alert Lights Out game
  • - Pop all green balloons, while avoiding the red. Simple. Click and pop-pop-pop the balloons as fast as possible and nothing bad happens.
  • Stream Alerts game with balloons
  • - New mouse disruptions. Just a few little gimmicks to mess around with. It’s surprisingly difficult!
  • Stream alert following your mouse
  • - Inspired by the classic mobile game, the second Lunar Festival animation is a fitting nod to the Year of the Snake.
  • Stream Alert snake animation for Lunar New Year
  • - The update includes new icons for the Twitch extension: Screen Alerts!

We are working on…

  • - Improvements to the bomb defuse game.

Saying goodbye

We are also saying goodbye to our interns, Jesse, Mellow, Hans, and Tigy, as they completed their semester. Thank you 💜

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