Patch notes
Autumn update!
Welcome to our first update! After last week's release, we have received helpful feedback to resolve bugs. Thankfully they were limited to only a small number, allowing us to focus on new content! Learn what's new in our patch notes.

New features and content
- - We now support alerts for incoming Raids!
- - Get an Autumn look! Thanksgiving now includes VFX; feathers, leaves, and potatoes!
- - Viewers can obscure your vision with a Smoke explosion (available for free!)
- - Get in early, and start celebrating Christmas! Check out the bundle in the shop!
- - You can now change the spawn delay to increase the time between the objects appearing on the screen!
- - Fixed a connection problem with the overlay during long streams (8 hours)
- - Default settings for gifted subs show the #Gifter in the center text, and #receiver when the object explodes.
- - UI improvement to understand which VFX Trails and Bursts support custom colors.
- - Improvements to interactions with new subscribers and returning subscribers with added messages.
- - We renamed Animation to Behavior
The next festive update will be ready later this month. It will include an important improvement as we integrate chat interactions!
- - Christmas Ornaments Bundle
- - Christmas VFX (snowfall, and much more!)
- - Chat Interactions (new chatter, chat commands, emotes)
- - Shout Out Interaction
Follow to discover what's news before we release it here. Thank you for your continuous support! If you have suggestions, leave a comment here or join our Discord!